Auto Racing and Life Insurance

Does auto racing keep me from getting life insurance?

Auto racing is a sport enjoyed by professionals and weekend warriors alike. The sport is exciting but can also be dangerous. Most life insurance companies will want to find out all the particular details about the auto racing in order to properly underwrite this risk.

Finding affordable life insurance coverage can sometimes be a challenge for those that participate in auto racing. But, not all life insurance carriers look at the risk the same.

Many carriers have no inclination to offer a competitive rate on auto racing no matter how much training, safety certificates or precautions you take. These carriers are simply not in the market to underwrite this type risk.

Other carriers can be much more lenient in how they view your auto racing history. Of course, they will still want all the details of what type of car, how fast, what type of track, etc. But they are much more likely to give you a better rate.

How do you find the best carrier for auto racing?auto racing and life insurance

The secret to finding the best rate for those carriers who specialize in auto racing is to work with a life insurance agent or agency who also specializes in finding the most affordable protection for this type of coverage.

Fortunately, you have landed on this page. We know the carriers that give you the best shot at the lowest rates. We know the questions to ask, we know how to negotiate with each carrier to make the earn your business.

How to get the lowest rate?

It’s important to understand a couple of things when researching which carrier to go to when looking for coverage in this situation. First, what amount of protection do you require?

Some carriers only offer minimum amounts of coverage for this type risk, while other carriers may offer millions of protection if the need is financially justified. Second, what type of coverage do you need? Are you looking for term life coverage or permanent life insurance such as universal life or whole life?

Some carriers may be more competitive in the term life insurance marketplace where others might offer better protection if you are looking for a more permanent need?

Again, the best way to find the company that will offer you the amount of coverage you need, along with the plan of coverage you want is to work with an independent life specialist who already knows which carriers offer you a combination of both.

Typical questions that need answered

When looking for coverage for auto racing you will need to provide detailed information regarding your racing. This questions will include some of the following:

  • Do you hold a competition drivers license from any organization?
  • Have you ever attended any driver’s school?
  • How long have you been participating in racing?
  • Date of last race?
  • What type of track do you race on?
  • How far do you travel to race?
  • Is racing full time?
  • Type of car used for racing?
  • Miles per race
  • Max speeds attained
  • Do you own a competition vehicle? Make and Model? Displacement? Class?

In addition to the details about the racing you will typically need to answer questions about your health. Some of these questions will include:

The answer to these questions will go a long way in helping your agent (hopefully us) determine how much your protection will cost.


Life insurance protection is vital to protect your family or business form the unforeseen. We are experts in finding coverage for those who participate in hazardous activities. If you would like a free consultation please don’t hesitate to contact the owner Mike Raines at 678-207-8160 or

For a FREE quote

Call, text, email or fill out our instant quote form:

Call: 678-207-8160
Text: 678-207-8160
Instant quote form: Click here

How can I help?

Mike Raines

I am an independent life insurance agent with over 30 years’ experience. I am an expert in finding coverage for those with past or current medical history such as heart disease, diabetes, post cancer, etc. I also specialize in those that participate in scuba diving, mountain climbing, private pilots, etc. I work with the best life insurance companies in the nation, such as Prudential, AIG, Protective Life, Transamerica to name a few. Each carrier has different opinions on rates and underwriting, and it is my job to match you with the best company. To do that, I need to ask you a few questions about your health and lifestyle to qualify you.

For a FREE quote, call, text or email:

Call: 678-207-8160

Text: 678-207-8160


Mailing Address:
3482 Keith Bridge Road Suite #125
Cumming, GA 30041


We work with individuals across the nation to secure the best life insurance rates.

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